NAPWDA, North American Police Work Dog Association, is a national organization with established standards and certification procedures for odor detection K-9's that CLSAR has worked with setting up and hosting NAPWDA seminars in Minnesota.
Northern States Search Dog Network originated as Minnesota Search Dog Network (MSDN). It began as a grass-roots push to establish statewide standards and provide outside evaluations for K-9 SAR teams. CLSAR is one of the founding members of NSSDN. Member units of NSSDN include: K9 Emergency Response Team, and K9 Search Midwest
CAP, or Minnesota Wing of the Civil Air Patrol, has offered a mutually beneficial relationship for both of our groups. Our training requirements are quite similar, and we are able to take advantage of shared training opportunities, resulting in a smooth transition to responding to searches together.
AERIE, Alliance for Emergency Response Instructors & Examiners, is a national organization that provides quality public safety and emergency response education and certifications for both humans and K-9 teams.
NASAR is the National Association of Search and Rescue. CLSAR joined NASAR as part of an ongoing effort to achieve nationally recognized certifications for our members which NASAR is able to provide through their extensive training and testing programs.
Search, Rescue and Recovery Resources of Minnesota is a network of search and rescue groups who train together to improve our ability to respond cohesively for families in crisis. Our membership brings K-9 capabilities to a diverse group which ranges from Mounted Posse to Cave Rescue.