CLSAR is a 501(c)3 non-profit and we rely solely on private / corporate donations. We do not charge, nor are we normally reimbursed for our personal expenses, such as gas, meals, or time off of work, when responding to a search.
All donations are tax deductible.
Want to help? We need volunteers to hide for our K-9 teams for training as well as areas to train in. If you would like to hide or perhaps own land that we could use for training, please let us know!
All donations are tax deductible.
Want to help? We need volunteers to hide for our K-9 teams for training as well as areas to train in. If you would like to hide or perhaps own land that we could use for training, please let us know!
For "in-kind" donations, here are some ideas:
Or to just donate - please click the link below!